The Sathya Sai Education in Human Values (SSEHV) Global Compendium (
The Sathya Sai Education in Human Values (SSEHV) Global Compendium is a major publication released November 23, 2018. It has articles on principles and philosophy of Sathya Sai education programs and data on SSEHV programs in schools and communities around the world.
The Compendium’s extensive and interactive Table of Contents allows one to immediately access descriptions of SSEHV programs in any of 120 countries.
This Compendium is the result of painstaking work to collect data on SSEHV programs and projects from around the world. Given the common origin and common aims of all the SSEHV programs and projects, it is appropriate to look upon them as aspects of one single project. All these programs and projects raise the level of awareness of our human purpose on earth and aim to lift morality to a higher level by igniting the conscience of humanity through living life consciously rather than drifting along unconsciously. The key outcome of all the SSEHV work is the transformation of humanity.
The Compendium can be accessed at this website:
For further information about The Sathya Sai Education in Human Values (SSEHV) Global Compendium, please contact
The Essence of World Peace is an essential guide for whoever wishes to promote the acquisition of all-around skills related to an education to Peace. The purpose of this book is to introduce simple but effective methods and ways to manifest Peace within ourselves, in the classroom, and in the community. The Essence of World Peace can be found at this website: and under the “Highlights” section at For further information about the Essence of World Peace please contact:
The newsletter of the International Education Committee of the Sri Sathya Sai International Organization can be found under the “Newsletters” tab at:
ISSE-USA SSEHV Flyer for the Community can be found here:
ISSE-USA SSEHV Flyer for Administrators can be found here: